Rawning With Music


"Music is the electrical soil in which the spirit lives, thinks and invents." -- Ludwig van Beethoven

Now that's a beautiful quote from someone who is literally deaf. Well, he is a music genius after all. as we all know,music is a very powerful, very influential and also pretty much the best medium to be use in all situations. Nowadays, students life swirl around music from all sorts of genre because it is a norm in the modern days. instead of merely listening to the sweet sound, music can be manipulate to help increase exam grades.

Music helps us learn because it will --
  • establish a positive learning state
  • create a desired atmosphere
  • build a sense of anticipation
  • energize learning activities
  • change brain wave states
  • focus concentration
  • increase attention
  • improve memory
  • facilitate a multisensory learning experience
  • release tension
  • enhance imagination
  • align groups
  • develop rapport
  • provide inspiration and motivation
The Usage of Music in Classroom

1. Learning Information
Music can be used to help us remember learning experiences and information. In Active Learning Experiences music creates a soundtrack for a learning activity. The soundtrack increases interest and activates the information mentally, physically, or emotionally. Music can also create a highly focused learning state in which vocabulary and reading material is absorbed at a great rate. When information is put to rhythm and rhyme these musical elements will provide a hook for recall.

2.Attention, Attitude and Atmosphere
Preparing for a learning experience can make the difference between lessons well-learned and just passing time. Certain music will create a positive learning atmosphere and help students to feel welcome to participate in the learning experience. In this way it also has great affect upon students' attitudes and motivation to learn. The rhythms and tempo of musical sound can assist us in setting and maintaining our attention and focus by perking us up when we are weary and helping us find peace and calm when we are over-energized in some way.
reference : http://www.marthalakecov.org

Music can also be use as a motivational tool for students. Here are some example of songs that can be classified as inspiring..


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