...Shakespeare's Sonnet...


Shakespeare's sonnets are 154 poems in sonnet form written by William Shakespeare that deal with such themes as the passage of time, love, beauty and mortality. All but two of the poems were first published in a 1609 quarto entitled SHAKE-SPEARES SONNETS.: Never before imprinted. Sonnets 138 and 144 had previously been published in a 1599 miscellany entitled The Passionate Pilgrim. The quarto ends with "A Lover's Complaint", a narrative poem of 47 seven-line stanzas written in rhyme royal.
The first 17 sonnets, traditionally called the procreation sonnets, are ostensibly written to a young man urging him to marry and have children in order to immortalise his beauty by passing it to the next generation.[1] Other sonnets express the speaker's love for a young man; brood upon loneliness, death, and the transience of life; seem to criticise the young man for preferring a rival poet; express ambiguous feelings for the speaker's mistress; and pun on the poet's name. The final two sonnets are allegorical treatments of Greek epigrams referring to the "little Love-god" Cupid.
The publisher, Thomas Thorpe, entered the book in the Stationers' Register on 20 May 1609:
Tho. Thorpe. Entred for his copie under the handes of master Wilson and master Lownes Wardenes a booke called Shakespeares sonnettes vjd.
Whether Thorpe used an authorized manuscript from Shakespeare or an unauthorized copy is unknown. George Eld printed the quarto, and the run was divided between the booksellers William Aspley and John Wright.

William Shakespeare

Sonnet 138
When my Loue swears that she is made of truth,
I do beleeue her (though I know she lies)
                        That she might thinke me some vntutor'd youth,
                        Vnskilful in the worlds false forgeries.
                        Thus vainly thinking that she thinkes me young,
                        Although I know my yeares be past the best:
                        I smiling, credite her false speaking toung,
                        Outfacing faults in loue, with loues ill rest.
                        But wherefore sayes my loue that she is young?
                        And wherefore say not I, that I am old:
                        O, Loues best habit's in a soothing toung,
                        And Age in loue, loues not to haue yeares told.
                             Therefore I'le lye with Loue, and loue with me,
                             Since that our faultes in loue thus smother'd be.

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